
Upledger CranioSacral Therapy A Flexible Programme to suit your Commitments!

Arranged in five principle stages, the programme is built around a series of four to five day intensive workshops, study groups, case studies and personal therapy. You may move through these stages at your own pace, provided you allow enough time between workshops (usually at least 3 months) to complete the module and to absorb and apply the practical work, further develop your fine palpatory skills, review the course notes and cover required reading.

At each workshop you are provided with a comprehensive study guide to of the course material with ample space for your own notes. Dr. Upledger’s text books provide a detailed anatomical, physiological and research background for the workshops and describe every technique.

In addition to the workshops and the texts the third element is practice. We do all we can to support and encourage your development at every stage through study groups, networking and by providing opportunities for you to work with the institutes clinical staff, and through help line backup.

Book a Course – Our next CranioSacral Therapy I see upledger.ie/book at course

or phone Mary or on 045 898243 for further information

Learning by Experience

The workshops are primarily experimental. The demonstrations and “hands on” exercises are supported by clear, illustrated lectures which enhance the practical work by helping to explain what is being felt and achieved and by connecting up the experiential elements with their functional and symptomatic indications. All aspects of each workshop’s syllabus are brought together in a form that can immediately be integrated into your own practice. Those who require greater degrees of technical depth and detail will find the textbooks and research work satisfying, but we emphasise that the aim of the workshops is to encourage and support an objective and compassionate therapeutic approach.

Your Assurance of Quality

All course material is written and organised by Dr. John Upledger, recognised world-wide for his research involving cranial techniques and for his subsequent development of CranioSacral Therapy and SomatoEmotional Release.

Current teaching formats are the result of development and refinement over 20 years of instruction to groups of widely differing therapeutic approaches and experience.

Your workshop will be conducted by an Upledger Institute Certified Instructor, a practising healthcare professional who has completed our extensive programme of preparation in addition to training directly with Dr. Upledger and years of study.

Workshop Arrangements

Meeting sites: To enhance your workshop experience the Upledger Institute selects attractive, convenient and well managed facilities, pre-reserved rooms at a corporate rate are available to participants choosing to board onsite. Our workshop locations are chosen in areas where alternative budget accommodation is reasonably close by.

Hours: (All except Advanced CranioSacral Therapy) Usually on the first day of the workshop registration is from 8.00am to 8.30am; class hours are from 8.30am to approximately 5.00pm except the last day which are 8.00am to approximately 3.30pm. Advance CranioSacral Therapy hours are covered in that section of the brochure. Actual times for your workshop will be confirmed beforehand.

Attire: Dress comfortably in loose fitting, casual clothing; a sweater is recommended.


Network and study groups. Once you have completed a workshop you will receive a class roster which will help you to form or take part in an existing local network for information exchange or to further develop your skills.  Local Upledger study groups form part of this network.

Assistance in your Practice
The Institute’s staff practitioners are available through the telephone or mail where advice is needed with individual cases or particular topics.  Also evaluation, treatment and advice about individual clients/patients may be sought by referral to either a more experience former student in your area or by arranging visits to a practitioner at the Institute.

Preceptor scheme: This is available for students who have successfully completed the SomatoEmotional Release I workshop.  Precepting involves spending time with one of the Institute’s practitioners and where appropriate, assisting with evaluation and treatment.  Further details are available through our office or your workshop facilitator.

International support: Our students have the backing of all the people, experience and expertise available though our various offices: The Upledger Institute Inc in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, The Upledger Institute Europe in Doom, Netherlands and The Upledger Institute Ireland in Co. Kildare, Ireland.  Each establishment works autonomously to further the work of Dr. John Upledger, and will gladly provide information about the others’ training programmes and facilities.

Listing and referrals: In co-operation with the International
Association of Healthcare Practitioners an annually updated, worldwide directory of students, their attained level and speciality is available at a nominal charge.  Upon the completion of a workshop each students’ details are entered or updated on the    Institute’s worldwide database at Palm Beach.  Additionally a list of participants is updated regularly and issued to those on it, to further assist networking and referral.

Speakers and co-sponsored/in-house workshops
The Upledger Institute offers you the opportunity to bring workshops to your professional association, society, training school or department when special terms may be available if you assemble a group of students and provide suitable location and facilities.  We also provide experienced CranioSacral Therapy practitioners who will speak to your staff or members, or feature in your conferen


What is needed to be a qualified Upledger CST therapist?
A qualified CST therapist is required to have 5 modules of CST and Techniques Certification Exam.
The 5 modules include CST I, CST II, SER I and SER II and either Paeds I or Advanced I.
With Paeds I module a therapist can teat children 4 years and above. Paeds II is necessary to treat children under 4 years.
We recommend students join the IACST and get student insurance from CST I.


The code attempts to provide guidance by way of a standard of attitude, understanding and therefore behaviour of students, staff and graduates in the evolution of their private and personal lives.


  1. The students undertake to perform case studies on their clients, families and their own colleagues with respect, compassion and equality with respect to age, beliefs, disability, gender and race and within the scope of their training.
  2. Students are required to be clear about the confines/scope of their training.  When working with children under 16 years student’s should only carry out a case study in the presence of a parent/guardian.
  3. No student has a duty to do a case study on anyone who comes to him or her.  The ethical student will be clear about the limits of their responsibilities, as well as what they need to maintain a good practice and take care of themselves.
  4. When a student is in doubt about working with a case study client they will refer that person to a qualified therapist and inform their study group facilitator.
  5. When involved in referral students will be careful:
    • a.     To provide adequate information to the referee together with  clear terms of reference
    • b.     To be clear with their client about the purpose and expectations of referring them
    • c.     The client relationship and its details will remain confidential between client and student except only where the client’s clear consent has been given, and such consent should be recorded.
  6. Respect for the self healing principle leads to the acceptance that one person cannot heal or cure another, only that by the responsible application of techniques or other help, or by the quality of their presence, the practitioners may help remove inhibitions to or otherwise support the client’s self-healing.
  7. Students may not charge their clients for case studies carried out.
  8. It is the duty of the student to encourage appropriate optimism.


Teachers recognize their primary obligation to help acquire knowledge and skill.  They maintain high standards of scholarship and by presenting information objectively, fully and accurately.

Teachers and UI ensure that statements in brochures and advertising of course outlines are accurate and not misleading in terms of subject matter, evaluation and the nature of the workshop experience.  Notices will accurately describe the eligibility requirement, educational objectives and the nature of the material to be covered and the fees involved.  All classroom processes are considered confidential and all staff instructors and students are expected to honour and maintain the confidentiality.

It is the policy of UI that no member of UI may sexually harass another person.  Anyone who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action which may include suspension or termination.


Practitioners accurately inform their clients, other healthcare practitioners and the public of the scope and limitations of their discipline.  They do not diagnose nor prescribe.  They acknowledge the limitation and contraindications of CranioSacral Therapy and refer appropriately.

Practitioners accurately represent their competence, education, training and experience.  They claim as evidence for educational qualification in CranioSacral Therapy only those certificates obtained from Upledger Institute Ireland or institutions acceptable under the standards set forth by UI.

Practitioners recognize the need  for continuing eduction and are open to new procedures and theory in CranioSacral Therapy.  Practitioners maintain and improve their professional knowledge and competence through regular assessment of personal and professional strengths and weaknesses and by continuing education and training in workshops approved by UI.